Case Studies

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Jacintha G.

Brooklyn, NY

Having Diabetes greatly increases the risk of developing diabetic foot infection and diabetic foot ulcers especially when uncontrolled. A hyperglycemic state often causes Diabetic Neuropathy, leading to loss of sensation in the feet, narrowing of blood vessels and imbalance in muscles/tendons. Combination of factors such as these predisposes patients and puts them on the fast track to amputation, limb loss, hospitalization and eventually, complete detriment to lifestyle.

You’re more likely to get an infected toe if you have diabetes. Damage to your blood vessels from high blood sugar can make it harder for your body to fight off infections. And diabetic nerve damage can prevent you from feeling minor trauma that could lead to a toe infection.

At the earliest concern or suspicion of infection, trauma, wound or progression of diabetes, call and schedule an evaluation. At Mobile Podiatry, we focus not just to cure ailments, but to prevent them all together.

Rubaiya P.

Brooklyn, NY

Bunion surgery is a common treatment for the correction of bunion deformity.  A bunion, or hallux valgus, is a bony growth on the medial aspect of the big toe joint. These bumps grow on the outside edge of the foot overtime and cause total subluxation of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ). The pain often starts as a dull ache and slowly progresses to shooting electric jolts. At the beginning the pain occurs with certain shoes but then is felt at all times, including when barefoot.
Conservative therapy such as custom foot orthoses and physical therapy are attempted prior to surgical intervention.Bunion surgery involves repositioning the big toe through cutting the bone and inserting metal screws to hold correction. The incision can be done through the traditional open technique or minimally invasive surgery (MIS). Choice of surgical approach is case dependent and depends on the origin of deformity.
Typically, stitches are taken out two weeks after surgery. Completely bone healing takes 4-6 weeks. During the recovery period, you will not be able to put all of your weight on your foot. To move comfortably, you may need to use crutches, a knee scooter or a camboot. Weight bearing will depend on what type of procedure is being done to correct your bunion.
A bunion that is left unchecked can often progress to joint arthritis and lead to round the clock pain, inability to wear shoes needed for professional attire, hobbies, activity and ultimately a sedentary lifestyle. At the earliest concern, call and schedule an evaluation. At Mobile Podiatry, we focus not just to cure ailments, but to prevent them all together.

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